数据工程师- DCMS - G7
政府的数字 & Data -
作为DDaT数据工程师, 你将有机会参与跨部门数据改进计划. You will be part of a team aiming to transform how DCMS uses data; embracing a data driven approach by building 和 maintaining sustainable data products to help improve data access, 可寻性, 数据质量, 数据分析和数据可视化. You’ll engage with analysts 和 policy officials to find the best ways to use data to support the department’s priority outcomes.
你将作为多学科团队的一员工作, 对敏捷工作充满热情, 相信你的工作方式和你的工作成果同样重要. 您将有机会塑造您的工作方式和DCMS的未来数据格局.
- 成为DCMS数据改进计划的核心成员, 在多学科团队中工作, 采用敏捷方法实现数据平台的数字化交付
- Lead the implementation 和 maintenance of efficient data flows 和 pipelines on the data platform
- 开发、迭代和维护数据产品,从设计、编码到测试和部署
- Implement 和 maintain Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to automate 和 manage a cloud-based data infrastructure
- 不断优化ETL流程的性能和可扩展性
- 与跨DCMS的利益相关者协作,将数据需求集成到平台中
- 评估和评估数据存储库以确保准确性、质量和可访问性
- 推动数据工程流程、工具和最佳实践的持续改进
- 提供技术领导,促进最佳实践和培训
- 通过共享知识,支持跨DCMS的数据能力增长, 支持数据和保持最新的行业趋势
- 具有设计和实现大规模数据转换的经验
- 有设计和开发数据平台和管道的经验
- 精通SQL或Python数据处理、管道开发和ETL流程
- 了解现代数据系统中涉及的各种数据架构(例如.e. (数据仓库、数据湖、数据网、数据湖)
- Have knowledge or experience of working in an agile delivery environment within a multidisciplinary team
- 有使用Terraform等工具实现基础架构代码(IaC)的经验
- 有大数据技术(Spark)经验
- 与数据科学家合作并分析数据产品
We are running an information session where prospective applicants can find out more about the role. 这将由Alice T和on主持,时间是: 9月26日12时.00 - 12:30
会议将是一个了解更多十大网博靠谱平台这个角色的机会, 团队和更广泛的理事会和部门. 这也是一个提问的机会.
请填写这张表来登记你的兴趣 form 你会收到邀请函的.
Please note that the session will not focus on the DCMS recruitment process - please direct any queries that you have on this topic (timelines, 合理调整, 入职等)到招聘.team@dcms.政府.uk
- 改变和改进
- 沟通与影响
- 一起工作
- 政府的数字 和 Data framework for role level 3 Lead Data Engineer - http://ddat-capability-framework.service.gov.uk/role/data-engineer
- A 技术 Statement (max 250 words) an example of when you have instigated change within an organisation through a new data product or process.
- A 技术 Statement (max 250 words) an example of when you have instigated change within an organisation through a new data product or process.
还有你49英镑的薪水,839, 文化部, 媒体和体育贡献14英镑,438元,以使你成为公务员固定收益退休金计划的成员. 你可在此了解公务员退休金的福利.
DCMS重视员工,并为在这里工作的每个人提供广泛的福利. 我们致力于培养人才, 支持我们部门的同事在事业上取得成功. 为了支持这一点,我们提供的一些好处包括:
- Flexible working arrangements 和 hybrid working - DCMS staff work on a flexible basis with time spent in offices, 还有在家工作的时间
- 26.入职后的年假为5天,增至31天.服务满5年后的5天
- A 公务员退休金 雇主供款为28.97%
- Access to the Edenred employee benefits system which offers discounts to popular retailers 和 access to various useful resources such as financial 和 savings advice
- 3天带薪义工假
- 最多9个月的全薪产假+充足的陪产假和领养假
- 员工奖励和认可奖金,全年运作
- 职业病病假工资
- Access to the Employee Assistance Programme which offers staff 24/7 confidential support 和 resources such as counselling, 债务指导和管理咨询
- 积极参与的员工网络,包括LGBT+, 种族多样性, 心理健康和福利以及性别平等网络
- Exceptional learning 和 development opportunities that you can explore alongside your day to day work
- 季票贷款,循环工作计划和更多!
各特级公务员职系的条款及条件会有所不同. Those applying for SCS roles should refer to the c和idate information pack for more information on terms 和 conditions.
这个空缺正在使用 成功配置文件(在新窗口中打开),并将评估你的行为、经验和技术技能.
申请这个职位, 您需要提交以下文件,这些文件将被评估 成功经历:
- A CV 列出你的职业经历,包括主要职责和成就. 请确保您提供的工作经历符合基本和理想的标准, 并且解释了过去两年内工作经历中的任何空白期. The CV should not exceed more than 2 x A4 pages 和 you should insert your CV into the "Job History" section on Civil Service 工作 on the Civil Service 工作 application form.
- A 适合性声明(最多750字) 解释你如何看待自己的个人技能, qualities 和 experience provide evidence of your suitability for the role in reference to the essential requirements highlighted. 你也可以选择参考所列出的所需技能.
- A 技术 250字陈述 on 改变和改进 - an example of when you have instigated change within an organisation through a new data product or process.
为 名单, we will select applicants demonstrating the best fit for the role by considering the evidence provided in your application.
如申请人数较多,本处将会对申请人进行初步筛选 适合性声明. Those who are successful in the initial sift will then be scored on all elements of the application.
面试过程将对你进行评估 行为 和 技术技能 通过一个基于场景的任务,该任务将在面试前提供.
- 改变和改进
- 沟通与影响
- 一起工作
作为你面试的一部分, 您可能会被要求进行技术练习来测试您的技术技能. The exercise will involve completing some scenario-based data engineering tasks 和 more information on the exercise will be provided to you prior to interview. You will be tested against the 政府的数字 和 Data framework for role Level 3 Lead Data Engineer - http://ddat-capability-framework.service.gov.uk/role/data-engineer
为你写申请和面试提供支持, 请参阅随招聘广告附上的“申请及面试指引”文件.
这个角色是全职的. Applicants who wish to work an alternative pattern are welcome to apply however your preferred working pattern may not be available 和 you should discuss this with the vacancy holder before applying.
有关国家安全审查的更多信息,请访问以下页面 http://www.gov.uk/government/publications/demystifying-vetting
调到文化部, 另一个雇主的媒体和体育将意味着你不能再获得托儿券. 这包括政府部门之间的调动. 然而,你可能有资格参加其他政府计划,包括免税儿童保育. 确定你的资格 http://www.childcarechoices.政府.uk
DCMS有伦敦和全国的工资标准. 了解更多相关信息, 包括适用每个薪级表的情况, 请参阅“申请人须知”文件.
If successful 和 transferring from another Government Department a criminal record check may be carried out.
以便及时处理申请, 我们将以您的名义向信息披露和限制服务部门发送犯罪记录检查. 然而, we recognise in exceptional circumstances some c和idates will want to send their completed forms direct. 如果你要这么做, 请以电邮通知政府招聘服务 Pre-EmploymentChecks.grs@cabinetoffice.政府.uk 在主题标题中注明工作参考编号.
面试成功的申请人将获, 作为就业前筛选的一部分, 但须查阅内部舞弊资料库(IFD). This check will provide information about employees who have been dismissed for fraud or dishonesty offences. This check also applies to employees who resign or otherwise leave before being dismissed for fraud or dishonesty had their employment continued. 申请人的个人资料若保存在IFD上,将会被拒绝雇用.
A c和idate is not eligible to apply for a role within the Civil Service if the application is made within a 5-year period following a dismissal for carrying out internal fraud against 政府ernment.
We are committed to supporting c和idates so they can perform at their best throughout the recruitment process. 这包括对我们的流程进行合理的调整.
Complete the ‘Assistance required’ section on the ‘Additional requirements’ page of your application form to tell us what changes or help you might need further on in the recruitment process. 例如, 面试时可能需要轮椅通道, 或者是口头测试而不是书面测试.
如果您在任何附件中遇到访问困难,请与我们联系. 十大网博靠谱平台可以在招聘广告的“申请人十大网博靠谱平台”部分找到.
获委任的候选人必须符合保安规定才可获委任. 所需的安全级别是 安全检查(在新窗口中打开).
使用政府资产的人必须完成 基线人员安全标准(在新窗期内打开) 检查.
- 英国公民
- 爱尔兰共和国国民
- 有权在英国工作的英联邦国家公民
- 欧盟国民, 瑞士, 挪威, Icel和 or Liechtenstein 和 family members of those nationalities with settled or pre-settled status under the 欧盟结算计划(欧盟结算计划)(在新窗口中开启)
- 欧盟国民, 瑞士, 挪威, Icel和 or Liechtenstein 和 family members of those nationalities who have made a valid application for settled or pre-settled status under the European Union Settlement Scheme (EUSS)
- individuals with limited leave to remain or indefinite leave to remain who were eligible to apply for EUSS on or before 31 December 2020
- 土耳其人, 以及土耳其公民的某些家庭成员, 谁已累积享有公务员工作权利